Why We Created the "Diving With a Purpose" Excursion Series

Carlos Vadillo   Oct 18, 2023

When the Deep Ocean Explore Store was created, our team wanted to focus on more than just teaching people how to dive; we wanted to emphasize how beautiful the oceans are and how they are under a growing threat from pollution. The increase in single use plastic products in particular has created an untenable situation where our most fragile marine ecosystems and life are becoming threatened.

In response to this environmental crisis, we wanted to create the "Diving With a Purpose" initiative. This dive series offered through our dive shop includes ocean cleanup dives as the first of more dives aimed at increasing awareness of our current ocean pollution crisis. In this first blog post, we will explore the significance of ocean cleanup dives, the challenges faced by our oceans, and how these dedicated divers are making a difference.

The State of Our Oceans

It's essential to understand the gravity of the pollution status quo of our oceans. The oceans cover about 71% of the Earth's surface, playing a vital role in regulating the climate and supporting diverse ecosystems. However, they are now plagued by pollution because of human activity. Current estimates say that 8 million tons of plastic are making their way into our oceans annually.

This plastic pollution has severe consequences for marine life, from entanglement, to injuries, and even ingestion. This heavy impact on aquatic life means that the delicate balance of underwater ecosystems is being rapidly disrupted, affecting everything from small organisms to large marine mammals. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, we want to do our part to address the situation, even if it's a small impact, every little bit helps.

How the Deep Ocean Explore Store is Helping

Given the current environmental factors, the Deep Ocean Explore Store has decided to create an ongoing program called Diving With a Purpose. Our dives are foused on gathering and removeing debris, especially plastic waste, from the ocean floor in sites around Monterey Bay. These initiatives bring together skilled divers and other members of our community. 

Our Process

  1. Planning and Research: Before any dive, thorough planning and research are conducted to identify the most affected areas. This includes understanding local currents, marine life, and the type and quantity of debris present.

  2. Dive Assembly: Divers who are a part of our community can sign up to partake on these dives. We love divers who are curious and want to make a difference in cleaning up affected dive sites.

  3. Equipment: Specialized equipment is used for ocean cleanup dives, including nets, bags, and containers for collecting debris.

  4. Environmental Conservation Education: Ocean cleanup dives are not only about removing debris but also about raising awareness. Divers often engage with local communities and share their experiences to educate people about the importance of preserving the oceans.

Challenges and Future Perspectives

We believe that while ocean cleanup dives are making a commendable impact, we continue to face various challenges. The sheer scale of ocean pollution requires coordinated efforts on a global scale and we are excited to be raising awareness and implore others to help our initiative. Additionally, the prevention of further pollution is just as crucial as cleanup efforts. At the Deep Ocean Explore Store we're going to be implementing further Initiatives to reduce single-use plastics, promote recycling, and advocate for responsible waste disposal.

We hope our ocean cleanup dives represent a beacon of hope for the largest ecosystems on the planet. By combining passion for diving with a commitment to environmental conservation, we aim to contribute to the health and well-being of our planet. As we continue to explore and appreciate the wonders of the underwater world, join us in taking responsibility for its preservation, ensuring that future generations can continue to marvel at the beauty of our oceans.
